Postcommodity & Announcement Brochure for 18th Biennale of Sydney!

June 3, 2011 at 7:58 pm

The announcement brochure for the upcoming 18th Biennale of Sydney includes an image of Postcommodity’s site-specific intervention Do You Remember When? (2009), which took place at the ASU Art Museum Ceramics Research Center.

We are excited to see Postcommodity continue to get recognition outside of our ASU and Arizona community!

Kade Twist, a founding and active member of Postcommodity, is a current MFA student at the ASU School of Art in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts.

Cristóbal Martínez, an active member of Postcommodity, received his BFA from the ASU School of Art, recently graduated with his M.A. from the ASU School of Arts, Media and Engineering and in Fall 2011 will begin his doctoral study at ASU with Dr. James Gee and Dr. Bryan Brayboy.

In addition to the Do You Remember When? project, Postcommodity created the site-specific performance/installation Dead River (2009) for the ASU Art Museum Street Party exhibition at Martha+Mary’s 4400 location; Kade Twist created the solo work There is no end of the trail; there is merely a system of prosthesis (2006) for the Museum’s exhibition New American City: Artists Look Forward; and former Postcommodity member Steven Yazzie’s work has been included in numerous exhibitions at the ASU Art Museum over the years, including his piece Tsosido Sweep Dance (2009) in the current exhibition Self-Referential: Art Looking at Art, which runs through August 27.

Here is a link to a download for the 18th Biennale of Sydney brochure:

18th Biennale Advance Brochure

And here is the nice response received from artist Kade Twist…

From: Kade L. Twist
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 11:11 AM

Greetings from the Santa Fe Art Institute!

Thank you for the note John.  You are too kind.

Postcommodity is honored to be featured so prominently in the brochure, especially since it is being circulated at Venice. And we have had conversations with the curators about re-staging Do You Remember When? in a manner that is relevant to the Indigenous Australian community, as well as the potential for staging other work.  We have not yet received an official letter from the Biennial of Sydney confirming our participation.  Being included in the brochure is a good sign and I hope means our odds are good that we will be included, but until we receive an official notice I remain hopeful. With that disclaimer put forward, I do want to make one point very clear: Postcommodity is greatly appreciative of the support that the ASU Art Museum has provided us!  You have all worked hard to ensure that we are welcome contributors to the museum’s discourse, and we thank you for this. In many ways we believe that the ASU Art Museum is our home, or at least you all do an excellent job of making us feel as if it is! We greatly appreciate Peter Held curating us into the Sustainability exhibition and providing us with a platform to contribute.  Mr. Kim, Peter, Heather, John and the Museum played a significant role in enabling us to cut the hole in the floor of the institution and fully realize the work that eventually connected us with the Sydney curators. We will always have a special relationship with each of you and the museum. Also: I would like to thank Adriene Jenik for all of her support, patience and mentorship. It’s an honor to be her student and to have the opportunity to work with her and attend the School of Art’s Intermedia program. 

ASU is a fantastic art community!  I’m blessed that Postcommodity is a part of this community.

Best regards,


Kade L. Twist

Entry filed under: Art + Performance, Art Events, Artists at the Museum, ASU Art Museum, ASU Art Museum Press, ASU Art Museum special events, ASU Art Museum: Behind-the-scenes, Ceramics Research Center, Kade Twist, People at ASU Art Museum, Random Acts of Art, Steven Yazzie, Street Party, Uncategorized. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Angela Davis, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Youth in Detention = Social Practice – It’s not just black and white They grow up so fast…

June 2011

ASU Ceramics Research Center Library